Be a healthy grapefruit

Beatriz Vargas is an international student at HfG. She collected some useful tips to stay healthy and positive during this quarantine time.
man with dog illustration
tanzende Frau Illustration

Currently, we are all aware of this virus called COVID-19 and how easily it can be spread. This is why we have all adjusted our lives to the indoors and here are some tips to get along and stay healthy by doing so. Just like grapefruits which are considered a superfood because one of them contains 56% of your daily intake of vitamin A and 120% of your vitamin C.

Sources: Khaw KT (2008), Marmot M (2005), Kern et al (2008), Perlman RL (2008), BBC News, New York Times, Forbes, New Scientist and The Okinawa Program.

Data Visualization:


Ich bin Beatriz Vargas

Portrait einer lachenden Erasmusstudentin aus Costa Rica mit mittellangen, rosa Haaren vor weißem Hintergrund

Name: Beatriz Vargas

Alter: 26

Wohnort: Schwäbisch Gmünd - CR

Beruf: Studentin

Hauptcharakterzug: Neugierig

Lieblingsschrift: San Francisco Pro

Lieblingsfarbe: Gelb